Thursday 13 March 2008


"Celebrating 100 years in business in the High Street," proclaims the enormous banner above the local undertaker's shop window.

It's good to know that every company these days has a real sense of occasion and oodles of marketing savvy (sensitivity is, surely, a hugely over-rated virtue).

It's even better to try and work out just how this particular firm is planning to spread the happiness:

People are rarely in a party mood when they visit a funeral parlour. We say, lighten up, folks! It may be a bit sad, but it's nothing a complimentary glass of bubbly, funny hat and balloon can't sort out.

And what about a loyalty card scheme: 'Build the points to claim prizes that are literally out of this world!!!'

It's nice to have a get together and reminisce so what about keeping the spirits up (literally) with a reunion seance - cheap on catering though ectoplasm is, as I understand it, the very devil to get off soft furnishings.

But what I'd most like to see would be a Corpse of the Month scheme, building up to fabulous annual, nationwide contest. After all, death is a dismal business at the best of times. A bit of slick marketing could help us all put the fun back in funerals, right where it belongs.


Cath said...

Again. You've done it again! Sides splitting.....

God I'm going to need that funeral director at this rate! You'll be the death of me. But I'll die happy. ;0)

Personally, I think the Irish have the right idea with a wake - just a reason to get together and get pi**ed.

Casdok said...

Lol! Could only be a matter of time...

flutterby said...

This is hilarious! What a giggle - just the light-hearted post I needed on a very hectic day.

Irene said...

Yup, I think we need more fun at funerals, especially if it is for an old person who has lived a long life and who's time has come. Let them go out with a bang. If I live to be 93, that's how I want to go.

Anonymous said...

Funerals are often just morbid affairs but celebrating a life is much more "hip" these days. Why, people don't even bother about wearing black so much either. Like the sound of the loyalty card scheme. It isn't that bad in the next world ya know and if you have a few points to look forward to as well ........

Omega Mum said...

Crazy cath: I like the idea of wakes. I plan to have party bags at mine.

Casdok: You're so right

Flutterby: Glad you enjoyed it. Nice to see you.

Sweet I: Party bags at yours as well, then?

CJ: Point well made and taken!