Saturday 21 July 2007

Bad Lindy - invoking the Power

One morning, the cat appears, one eye slitty and swollen and trailing strands of pus like a refugee from a poor quality face painter.

"Time to call Bad Lindy down at the vet's," I say, reaching for the phone. Very furry cats don't do facial emotion - no wonder the RADA admittance figures for felines are so low - but I could swear that this one makes a passable, though fleeting attempt, at total horror.

Then it disappears for the rest of the day, leaving me cast as Pathetic Pet Owner, attempting at intervals to call it back by rattling its food bowl in a voice oozing so much affection that not even Helen Keller would have been taken in.

It returns in the evening, eyes clear and bright, no sign of infection and stalks past me, tail aloft and twitching.

A week later, it develops a sudden limp in one leg. This in no way impairs its ability to savage me with the remaining three when I attempt to check it.

"It's another Bad Lindy moment," I caution it. Again I get the look.

This time it reappears two days later, limp gone, pace even and high-stepping and all but sticks its tongue out at me.

I try it on a dying house plant. "I'm calling Bad Lindy." If plants could produce beads of sweat, this one would. Within weeks, there's fresh leaf growth and even an embryonic bud.

Bad Lindy. Name of power. Invoke it....if you dare.


DJ Kirkby said...

I laughed so loudly at this post that it even roused Chopper from his afternoon stupor in the front room!

Omega Mum said...

DJ: Glad you enjoyed it. Spooky, but true.

Anonymous said...

I might try this on my dog. It could save us a fortune..

Omega Mum said...

CJ: I reckon we're at least £40 to the good, but I can't help worrying that the mental exertion is going to kill the cat in the end.

I Beatrice said...

Gosh! Do you think it works on orchids?

Omega Mum said...

IB: I just don't know. Go on, try it. We could have the makings of a cult. Or a mass exorcism.

debio said...

I must join up!

How does one deliver the Bad Lindy remedy? Casually and throwaway, or with cauldron a-boiling, luminous eyes and witch's hat?

Omega Mum said...

Debio: I imagine that holding a photograph would enhance the effect

lady macleod said...

That's it then, I'm trying it on the terrace cats to get them OFF my terrace. I shall say she's coming by for tea, and if they don't leave she's coming to stay. That should do it eh?

Omega Mum said...

Lady M: I do hope so. Will cross my fingers and think evil thoughts to help the process along.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you unleash her on Frances ( metaphorically of course ). He'll probably have a job within the hour.
