Friday 4 April 2008

Over exposed

In the few days we've been away, my in-box has, as usual, been filled with messages from well wishers, all of them from Megadik.

"Things to tell a naked woman," is the title of one typically well meant, though unecessary piece of advice. In my case, "Stop it, Lindy," or "Did you realise you were doing the school run without on your clothes on?" do the trick every time.

There are also many, many photographs, all, according to the caption, on loan from satisfied customers.

They have an initial shock value but once I've pressed the delete key and held it down, retrieved my toast and marmite fingers from the keyboard and mopped up the spilled tea, it starts to wear off.

Given the attention paid to the composition (none); the focus (excitably blurred) and the central feature (elaboration unnecessary) it is obvious that they are the work of a recent though unlikely to be award-winning graduate from the Bad Lindy School of Giblet Photography (slogan 'No pictures knowingly taken above the waist')

I forward the picture on to her. "Were you responsible for this?" I ask, somewhat ambiguously.

"No," comes the reply, a few minutes later. "But pass me his phone number and I'd be more than happy to take him in hand."


Cath said...


LMAO. :0)

Expat mum said...

Ooh, you are awful!!! I always get Viagra spam. Not sure why.

Irene said...

Hee, hee, Bad Lindy would say something like that, although you can't blame the girl altogether, as they are very handily shaped.

What? What do you mean, what am I talking about? Sex, aren't I?

softinthehead said...

snigger !!! :)

Omega Mum said...

OK, crazycath - what does LMAO actually mean? Bad Lindy says it's short for 'Lick me all over' - but I can't believe that's really the case. If it is, very best of luck to you, and let me know how it goes.

Expatmum: It's because you have a rollicking lifestyle that everyone envies. Isn't it?

Sweet Irene: There's a big, naughty streak that I'm coming to appreciate....

softinthehead: Yes, indeed. PS Am linking you. So there.

Cath said...

YUK! Laughing My Ass Off! Lindy is bad bad BAD!!!