Saturday 3 November 2007

Fallen angels

Nativity play pre-production is in full swing and I've written an angel song by mistake.

"I hate to break it to you," says the teacher who's responsible for the script, "but reception will be dressed as stars, not angels. All the letters have gone out to parents and we can't change it now."

I stare glumly at my angel song which begins, predictably enough, "I'm a little angel," and wonder how to make, "I'm a little star," scan properly instead.

It's not really surprising I'm making mistakes, what with the heady rush of seasonal events. We did four this week.

Hallowe'en on Wednesay (lights off in the hall, spooky music courtesy of the electric piano's sound effect buttons);

Firework safety in assembly on Thursday ("Now you've heard the rules and when all the teachers go to the display at the weekend, they'll be watching you with your mummies and daddies to make sure you've listened," says the head. Several of the teachers who were clearly planning alternative entertainment exchange glum looks).

Christmas on Friday. ("No children, it's meant to be Christmas wrap, not rap. It's a sort of light-hearted.... Oh, all right, let me get the white board pen and I'll change it. That better, everyone?")

And at the end of the week we've moved on seamlessly from Christmas to planning for the summer productions. "Surely they can't sing 'Never smile at a crocodile' again. Can they?"

Christmas may only come once a year for most people. Round here, it never seems to stop. Pass me a cracker somebody. And a sunhat. Oh, and light a couple of sparklers while you're about it.


The Woman who Can said...

I'm a little twinkler?

Sorry, house with vomiting child. Best I can do at this time in the morning.

Am on vomit watch.

debio said...

So pleased you immediately clarified why the angel song was a mistake; wondered intially whether you'd been composing instead of washing the smalls or cooking the pasta....

These successive festive seasons are so labour-intensive....shall we give them all up?

Mya said...

I don't know how you keep up with it all! Did your 'I'm a little angel' have the same melody as 'I'm a little teapot?' I'm sure by the end of all the nativity rehearsals you'll have adapted the lyric to suit your mood - 'I'm a little sod', perhaps?

Mya x

Iota said...

Stars? Angels? Goodness you're conventional. Couldn't they be arc welders? Arc sounds vaguely biblical, and welder vaguely Shakespearean (all's well that end's well, duh...) The parents might not like it, but you'd have so much fun teaching the children to sing about blowtorches and kitting them out in masks and goggles.

Omega Mum said...

Tina: Like it so far. Poor you with vomit horror. I found spoon, old plastic container and breathing through mouth all helped.

Debio: Let's give them all up or amalgamate them into one all purpose ceremony, interchangeable for any of the others at any time of the year.

Mya: I don't keep up. I am trailing a long way behind, as visitors to the house can verify.

Iota said...

Note to Debio - your suggestion of giving the festive seasons up is a good one, but it'll have to wait till Lent.

Omega Mum said...

iota: Very quick, very funny.

I Beatrice said...

"I'm a little starlet, short and stout....."

No; doesn't quite do it, does it?

Anonymous said...

Christmas can come regularly for me, I love it!

Crystal xx

Omega Mum said...

IB: I think it works - though possibly tending towards the pornographic/Sun headline in tone. But none the worse for that.

CJ: You are lovely and put me to shame with my cynicism. I bet the children love you. Just as well you haven't got me helping out with the swimming.....

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid we, the adults, have been shamelessly mocking the firework safety message in our house.
Along the lines of - "Never touch a firework, even when it's still in the packet."
"So how do you get them home in the first place?"
"You don't. It's safer that way."