Thursday 16 August 2007

More sub-texts

Bad Lindy: 'Honestly - phone reception round here is rubbish. Only place I got signal was in the middle of Padstow Bay - and I had to fight off all these bloody dolphins first.'

Vicky: 'Just got weird call. i said hello and this man's voice said who is this? is it vicky? i said yes, he said is it vicky gonzales. i said no and he said oh, wrong number and hung up. i know its lindy passing my fone number out again. but why 'gonzales?' dont i suffer enough?'

Cultured Mum: As Marcel Proust puts it: 'Time, which changes people, does not alter the image we have retained of them.'

'He must have met Lindy,' says Vicky, after I forward Cultured Mum's text to her.


Stay at home dad said...

Ah, the coffee mornings I could have enjoyed with cultured mum.

Had I met her, had she existed, had I been allowed into coffee mornings, etc etc ...

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: There's a note of disbelief creeping in here, isn't there? Come to our book club and meet her. She's got 'War and Peace' on her summer hols reading list (though I am cheered to note, looking back, that it's been on her list for the past few years). And she understands James Joyce. I think you might be made for each other, in a virtual sense, that is.

Motheratlarge said...

Sorry to hear that it's now dolphins, as well as Vicky, on the receiving end of Bad Lindy's ire. She does sound quite a memorable character. Difficult to wipe from the hard disc.

Omega Mum said...

M@L: Bad Lindy among the madeleines..It would have changed the course of French literature for ever.

Gwen said...

One of my friends says that she understands what James Joyce was on about. When pressed she can't quite come up with anything funnily enough. I would love to meet cultured mum and find out her theories on Joyce - if that is she really does exist. Actually I really hope that she does.

Stay at home dad said...

Sorry OM I didn't mean anything by it. Characters are all virtual in blogworld.

You could be right. I'm the man who read Underworld on his honeymoon!

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

You shoudl sent Bad lindy to Iraq - I'm sure she'd sort them all out ...

the rotten correspondent said...

something tells me there's alot more stories where this one came from. yikes!

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: Don't worry - I thought it was funny. Put it this way, not everyone would recognise him or herself detail for detail if I used my real name, but it would present enough of a problem for me to be very unpopular round here. And I'm not at all surprised to hear your honeymoon reading choice. What about a virtual book club?

Or, even better, a virtual book where we all do chunks of it and take it in any direction we want?

gwen: That is so funny and, to my mind, sums up the Joyce thing. Not that I wouldn't like to understand it myself, you understand.

M&M: Make love not war, I imagine, scaled up. And she'd have to be embedded, too.

The rotten corr. Many, many stories. Nice to see you hear again.

Anonymous said...

I was a house parent for 5 years SAHD, I know what you mean...

Omega Mum said...

Mutley: Were you? Have you written about it in your other blogs? Would love to read about it if so.

DJ Kirkby said...

Fighting dolphins? Will bad Lindy stop at nothing to get a phone signal?!