Sunday 26 August 2007

Performance nerve

"Offered: two clown dolls. One with a scary laugh, the other with china head," reads Vicky, over my shoulder, as I delete Freecycle messages. "Sounds like Bad Lindy and me. Or a souvenir edition of the Spice Girls. And there I was hoping for Charlie's Angels."

Vicky and I are trying discover a way of acquiring tickets to the Wagner concert that Colin and Ra will be attending. Bad Lindy, who can survive in a woman-only atmosphere for a maximum of 30 minutes before requiring an emergency giblet infusion has gone to investigate an interesting-looking hole in the road which comes accessorised with a full set of even more interesting-looking workmen.

"I thought you were aiming to turn us into a sort of rapid response emotional task force," says Vicky. "It's more like a headless chicken brigade. And I'm getting bored."

She looks out of the window on to the road. "Oh, the first one's is missing his shirt. And he's fighting Bad Lindy for control. And....oh, I don't think she should have done that. I'd better let her in."

Bad Lindy appears, breathless and triumphant, clutching a T-shirt. "I always love the souvenirs," she says. "Look, are you getting this flaming concert sorted, or not?"

"It's a sell out," I say, gloomily.

"Why can't I just talk to Ra, anyway? Say on a dark night, just her, me, the moonlight and a couple of incriminating texts that I threaten to tell Tom about. That would do it."

"It's too risky. I think she'd just tell you to go ahead."

"Can you get hold of texts?" I ask, temporarily diverted. Lindy looks modestly downwards. "There's nothing like getting to know a really good fixer. I'll tell you about it sometime. Incidentally, he can arrange tickets, now I come to think of it."

We restrain ourselves from giving her a good slap only by thinking about hard she'd be likely to slap us back.

Two minutes later, she snaps her phone shut.

"Sorted. But I'm afraid he can only get hold of one ticket. Says the punter won't be able to make it. Apparently, he'll be very ill that evening. Shame, really."

"Don't even ask," Vicky mouths at me. "That's fine. You can go in, show Colin in his true colours and we'll wait outside."

"How much of his true colours do you want to show?" asks Lindy. "It's a concert hall, not a butcher's."

"No giblets," says Vicky, firmly.

"Probably just as well," says Lindy. "Well, a girl's got to draw the line somewhere."


Anonymous said...

Men are always digging holes aren't they. Doesn't matter where they are, they always seem to be in one.

Crystal xx

Omega Mum said...

CJ: There's a certain jaded air to that comment...Wonder why?

Motheratlarge said...

Like the sound of a rapid response emotional task force. Good to see that even BL has her limits and will draw the line at Colin. Are you so sure she should be hellbent on keeping them apart, though? Colin and Ra sound horribly well suited to one another. And their love might thrive when presented with another, err.., obstacle to overcome. If BL could be described as an obstacle. More of a heat-seeking missile, really. Great posting, Omega Mum. Lots of fun.

Omega Mum said...

M@L: I have high hopes of a cyber punch up between New Town Mum, Dulwich Mum and Bad Lindy. Like female mud-wrestling, only more refined......Would make great internet game.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

I love the idea of workmen accessorising the holes! ;)

Mya said...

I fear for Colin now - I feel guilty about ever wishing he'd come to a grisly end. Can't you call BL off?

You have an award awaiting collection chez moi.

Mya x

Omega Mum said...

M&M: It's what holes were made for (or should I re-phrase that?)

Mya: Wow, thank you. Coming over. Though I don't want you to think it's only awards that draw me. That would be both rude and inaccurate. And, no, that's not drool you see.

Stay at home dad said...

As ever a funny, creative romp of a post.

However ... in improv style I'd like you to do one about holes, mud-wrestling and heat-seeking missiles please.

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: Go on, you start - I'll follow...Last one in's a (choose description as appropriate)

debio said...

I seem to remember banging on about holes and workmen a few months ago - sadly I have no male totty accessorising, just wafts of BO and second hand curry!

Great fun, omega mum!

Omega Mum said...

It's all about knowing the right holes, Debio. Or so I hear.

Stay at home dad said...

I'm sorry, but I can't get past the mud-wrestling ...

the rotten correspondent said...

I wonder if I could get a Bad Lindy doll on Freecycle?

Or ebay. Now there's an idea...

Omega Mum said...

The rotten corr: I think it's definitely a good idea. Let's make some.

Gwen said...

Could you get Bad Lindy mud wrestling on You Tube?

Omega Mum said...

Funnily enough, line dancing is her thing, Gwen. But I think doing it in mud is a natural extension.

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: My advice is not even to bother getting past the mud wrestling but just hang on there until you slip into a pleasant, semi-hypnotic state or require therapy. I'm sure Proust has a phrase for it.