Monday 28 May 2007

Release your inner a*se for just £300

It's 11.00 pm. The phone rings. "It's me," I say, brightly, mouth on the move before the brain has even got its Jimmy Choos on. "I know it's you," says Marion, the hairdresser with the strong spiritual dimension.

She's desperate to tell us about a course that would allow Francis the chance to become a born again executive, liberated from the traumas that, unknown to him, are hiding his true character and thus preventing him from gting a gd jb, as those ancient Speedwriting ads used to say.

Apparently it's brilliant. It runs from 9.00 am to midnight and is 'incredibly' intense. For a pittance - a mere £300 - you get to go on stage and share your innermost traumas with two hundred complete strangers.

"It's really spiritual," says Marion. "Everyone needs to do it." As proof of its cathartic powers, she cites a previous boyfriend, who changed so much as a result of sharing his problems with a crowd and discovering that deep down inside he was a total arse that he immediately split up with her.

As a successful graduate of the starter session, she's been canny enough to save a few traumas for later, ensuring she has enough misery left for the advanced course, which costs £400 because it's so much smaller and intimate: this time round, you share your searing inner turmoil with just one hundred complete strangers, all nodding their heads supportively and asking open-ended questions, though not simultaneously.

"Sounds great," I say, wondering why she doesn't save the money and simply take a small megaphone into a public park to give the dog walkers a thrill.

As instructed by Marion, I pass on the news to Francis. Strangely, he seems less than thrilled by the opportunity to shell out for the chance to launch his first public speaking appearance with the line, "Hello, my name's Francis, and I'm redundant."

"Is he going to do it?" asks Marion, when she calls again next morning. I don't pass on his exact words, which are that for £300 he'd contemplate releasing his inner demons by drilling holes in his own skull. "I think he's going for beer-related therapy at the moment," I say. "If Stella Artois doesn't work, he'll certainly think about it."

Of course, there's the added risk that the course would reveal that only the trauma was holding back Francis's inner arse, too. In Speedwriting, a ttl rs. Or a pschpth. And I'm not sure our marriage is a good place for either. Unless, that is, I go on the course, too. Because I know I've got an inner arse. And sometimes, I feel it's on a very tight leash indeed - at least it would be if I could work out, even figuratively, just where a tight leash might go.


lady macleod said...

Oh love I do think you should lay in some excellent wine straight away. Perhaps go over to Drunk Mummy for some reviews. I believe what you have here is a conundrum of arse.

Omega Mum said...

Oh, Dr Macleod - is there no cure for the arse conundrum? I will have to get very drunk immediately. As Sherlock Holmes almost said, it's a 3-bottle problem.

BEAST said...

this sounds so cool , I bet I have a huge inner arse.I cant wait to get it out and metaphorically moon at the world.
But £300 quid???....bugger that

Anonymous said...

All that arsing around and you may need a spa bath to soothe your inner most thoughts.

Anonymous said...

The Inner Arse is called that for one reason only - it must and should always remain "inner".
Do not - on any account - let it out.
And save £300 in the process.

Omega Mum said...

So Beast wants his out, Beta Mum thinks they should all remain inner - and Crystal J. plumps for the spa bath option. I think mine will remain internalised for the forseeable future.......

debio said...

The thought of sharing my inner arse with a bunch of strangers - albeit non-judgemental - fills me with grief.
Anyway, I can't believe that anyone would really want to know so, is this a professional rent-a-crowd?

Omega Mum said...

Apparently, everyone there had paid £300 for the privilege and they took turns going up on stage. If true, there's 200 born every minute, is all I can say.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

I think anyone who would pay £300 to reveal their inner arse is a true inner arsehole. But tell me, are inner arseholes like blackholes in space, sucking in all matter?

Omega Mum said...

wakeupand etc (is it OK if I abbreviate?) - I think that's such a wonderfully accurate analogy that I am almost speechless. Yes, I'm sure you're right. But with any luck, they should all implode.

kimber said...

This... is.... hilarious.

I had a friend who paid a similar amount of money for a 'self-improvement course' in which she had to confront friends and family and tell each of them what she thought was wrong with them.

*rolls eyes*

It was refreshing to hear her actually be an arse, but annoying to know that someone profitted.

Omega Mum said...

I'm amazed they have the brass neck to take the money. And what about her family? How on earth did they take it?

Gwen said...

Of course what Francis would be better off doing is starting up his own business selling these kind of courses to those gullible enough to fall for them. Think of the hundreds of pounds he could make just be encouraging others to get on a stage to reveal their inner arsiness. He'd be a millionaire. Have you suggested this to him. I think if could be quite lucrative.

Omega Mum said...

I think it's a great idea but fear it would only work for somebody who was a 100% crook or 100% arse....fingers crossed that neither cap(?) fits.