Wednesday 5 December 2007

Intestine times

"Do you know what the word 'disembowel' means?" says the head, kicking off her pre-play motivational chat with the Year 2s.

"No? It means pulling all your insides out, bit by bit," she adds, demonstrating with a majestic hand over hand action that has the entire class goggling at her. "And, Bertie, if you sit with your legs akimbo so everyone can see up your king's gown again or fiddle with your crown during the performance today, I'll be strongly tempted to disembowel YOU."

Later on, as I triumphantly crash down my hands on the final chord, getting three out of four notes right - well above average - there's a collective sigh of relief from the teachers.

"The lovely thing," says the chair of the governors, after despatching a small child to present a seasonal basket of flowers to me and the deputy head, who wrote the thing,"is that the children were obviously enjoying every moment."

Little does he know that from my concealed position - right at the back of the hall, hidden by the children standing on rows of benches, I have long since mastered the art of hissing "SMILE! LOOK HAPPY! NO - HAPPIER!" out of the corner of my mouth while playing the introduction to 'Away in a manger.'

After the performance, we go round the school hall, collecting the parents' debris - used tissues, coffee and burger packaging. I'm half expecting to find a used condom in the back row.

"They might at least leave a tip," I say to the head. She sniffs. "A few inches of intestine stapled to the next letter home might help to reinforce the message that good manners maketh man."

Bertie, passing on his way back to the classroom, flinches and glances down at his robes, presumably praying that his mother had the good sense to make the bottom layer out of Kevlar.


molly gras said...

Wow! Your Advent festivities kick my Advent festivities in the boody! However, my event doesn't occur until the 21st; therefore, will certainly report if I happen to run across any condoms in my own collecting duties.

[BTW - may have to use the threat of disembowelment on my tutoree -- might be just the right kind of motivation for him!]

I Beatrice said...

What is she, that Head of yours - a dedicated anatmomist, or just a sadist? I'm not absolutely sure of my ground here, but I THINK there must be H and S laws against that kind of kick-off to a pre-nativity speech...

If there are not, there ought to be - or so it seems to me.

There might, on the other hand, be some particular relevance attached to her speech which I have failed to pick up on. That is of course entirely on the cards....

I Beatrice said...

What is she, that Head of yours - a dedicated anatmomist, or just a sadist? I'm not absolutely sure of my ground here, but I THINK there must be H and S laws against that kind of kick-off to a pre-nativity speech...

If there are not, there ought to be - or so it seems to me.

There might, on the other hand, be some particular relevance attached to her speech which I have failed to pick up on. That is of course entirely on the cards....

Stay at home dad said...

Handy skill to have, that hissing, around the family home too...

Anonymous said...

Your head (teacher that is, not the one on your shoulders, though that too) sounds formidable. Respect. Here in Belgium the school has enlisted the legend of St Nicolas to keep the kids in line. If you don't behave his assistant the dreaded "Pere Fouettard" will put you in his sack and kick you to Spain. Perhaps you could suggest for next year? It's worked a treat here so far..
Well done on the nativity - sounds like a triumph. Who needs Ewan MacGregor's Iago when you have Bertie's Herod!

dulwichmum said...

How funny, I have just come from my sons nativity play. I can't imagine what kind of debris they found after we left... Blackberrys, lens caps, occasional mislaid foreign au pairs with not enough English to find their own way home, but contraceptives??? OMYGOD, what a fun school!

Potty Mummy said...

Aaaaah - Christmas is coming, the kids are putting on a show. Just been on the recieving end as a parent - obviously I posted about it - so it's interesting to hear a 'behind the scenes' commentary!

Anonymous said...

Used condoms at the back! Can you imagine.

Crystal xx

Iota said...

You make me laugh. Not least because my 2 are in the throes of extra rehearsals (at least they would be if they got to school the required 10 minutes earlier each morning - but we just don't seem to be able to manage that). Their (new) music teacher is called Mr Dary. Honestly. Just think how helpful that would have been in your earlier rhyming woes.

Here comes Mary
Riding on a donkey
Watch Mr Dary
Then the singing won't get wonky

Fashionatta said...

I hope you didn't find a condom in the back row...;-)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha! Disembowel... hmm... I'll use that in the classroom as a threat and see how it goes...

DJ Kirkby said...

I am scared...NEVER going back to school ever!

Omega Mum said...

Molly G: We could start our very own map of condom/nativity activity. I hope there's no link to bad puns about virgin births.

IB: I have to confess that the children simply giggled when she said it and so did I, so she's not really quite the dragon I've portrayed her to be.

SAHD: Like so many magic powers, it never works at home. I've tried, believe me.

Jaywalker: Thanks for visiting. I like the Brussels approach. Might incorporate it next year.

Dulwich Mum: Love the idea of abandoned au pairs - actually, do have a story about does happen.

Potty M: Glad you enjoyed it. Will come and read up about your experiences.

CJ: I am sure things will get worse. We might find an abandoned new born baby, next year.

Iota: Mr Dary - no! That's incredible. Have you informed him of his value to a hard-pressed, rhyme-limited nativity play writing community?

Fashionatta: Not yet, fortunately. Still, would have looked good in the weekly newsletter.

Snuffles: Do try it out and let me know what happens.

DJ: Ours isn't really as bad as I make out. Not quite.

Iota said...

Hey, Omega Mum, I think Jaywalker's comment gives you a lot of room for hope. Get yourself to Belgium (not difficult, Eurostar), be naughty, then they will put you in a sack and you'll end up in Spain. You could have a free Christmas holiday by the Med next year, on the Belgians.

Potty Mummy said...

Hi OM, just a quick note to let you know that Dulwich mum has been trying to leave you a comment at Keir Royale and your security keeps kicking her out. Over and out...

Omega Mum said...

Iota: Being put in a sack and sent to Spain - yum. Another fantasy realised....

Potty M: Thank you. Dulwich Mum, I'm sorry...Please don't give up.