Monday 7 January 2008

How to do parenting. Part 1

'My family, by Deborah
I have a family a not very kind one my brother always wants to play football and my sister when we go to fairs she spends my money and my mum does not sit with me at bedtime and my dad does not ever go shopping with me and they all don't love me'

"That child doesn't know she's born," says Bad Lindy, when I tell her. "Let me babysit one evening and I'll soon put her right."

"Dont even think about it," Vicky texts later. "Only time she looked after mine she got so over excited reading Fireman Sam to them they self-registered themselves on the 'at risk' list."


Casdok said...

Lol!!! :)

Omega Mum said...

Casdok: Am pleased. Deborah less so.....

Iota said...

Well you're doing better than me. My 7 year old accused me of having "long plans of meanness" for his life.

Omega Mum said...

Iota: Maybe - but I'm picking up a grudging respect for your organisation.

Motheratlarge said...

Wait until she grows up and acquires a set of in-laws. Then she'll appreciate you properly.

Omega Mum said...

M@L: I plan to get any of their prospective in laws professionally vetted to ensure that they're nastier than I am.

The Woman who Can said...

Perhaps Bad Lindy just needs to try something a little less racy than Fireman Sam? How does she feel about Postman Pat, do you think?

Omega Mum said...

Tina: I just asked her and she says as long as they're prepared to climb a ladder and deliver the post to her in bed, ideally clasping her in their strong, manly arms while she signs for registered post, she's fine. Then she had to go outside and fan herself for a while.

Iota said...

Balamory. What about Archie, his big pink castle and his interest in experimenting? She'd love that.

Omega Mum said...

Iota: Is Archie the one in the kilt? If so, she says she's a big fan of modern design, glass walls and mirrored floors in particular.