Sunday 13 January 2008

Saddo saves the world

"God, you know some sad f******," says Bad Lindy, who has battered her way in to show me her pick of the year giblet texts, which she's thinking of turning into a calendar.

"I don't know them," I say.

"Then why are they writing to you? I mean, listen to this." Bending over the screen, with a faint sigh of regret that she's wasting a prime view of her derriere on such a meagre and ungrateful audience, she reads out my latest Freecycle messages:

"'Offered, backpack. Not clean, not new and not waterproof. Would suit slightly grubby indoor and gullible hiker.' And what about this one -
'Offered: Builder's buckets. All at least half full of dried in plaster or mortar but only one has a small hole. Also available, broken fax/answering machine. May be fixable if you understand the instructions which are in Japanese.'"

She looks at me. "These are people who seriously think that they're going to light up the life of some sad b****** by offering them a bucket you can't even throw up in? You tell me what sort of saddo is going to reply?"

I regain control of the keyboard and delete a couple of messages.

"Not you. Please tell me you didn't."

"It's supposed to be good for the environment," I say, sounding, even to my own ears, like the saddest saddo on the block.

"What, you're telling me that getting in your car and driving off to collect a load of rubbish you end up throwing out for good a week later is going to save the world?"

"So they say."

"If you're serious," says Bad Lindy, "the sooner we're all dead, the better." And pausing only to seize the computer, type, "Get a life, c***," and 'reply to all,' she and her giblet texts head off to brighten someone else's day.


Irene said...

I never know what to make of Bad Lindy and what is a giblet text anyway? I feel rather lost here. I mean, I know that Bad Lindy has a gruesome attitude, but what is she doing with giblet texts?

Mya said...

Ha ha! You just gave me a coughing fit laughing! Great stuff.

Mya x

DJ Kirkby said...

No waaaaaaaayyyyy! Please please tell me that last line is made up!

Omega Mum said...

Sweet Irene: I am very much afraid that Bad Lindy has rude pictures of men's bits that have somehow acquired this name. There is no poultry connnection, though.

Mya: Not a patch on your Dairylea exploits, though I suppose the food link is still there.

DJ: You know how easy it is to press that button....

Mya said...

I'm afraid you've been tagged, missus! Ignore or not, as you wish.

Mya x

Anonymous said...

I think there's nothing more revolting that men's bits. Do you think it might be Lindy who is the saddo, not you?

Crystal xx

Omega Mum said...

Mya: Thank you. I promise I will try to deliver as tagee....

CJ: You are so, so right and it's a truth universally acknowledged - by everyone except BL.