Tuesday 9 October 2007

Pushing water uphill

In the papers over the weekend, reports that scientists have finally pushed water uphill by making small droplets vibrate so vigorously that they get confused, defy gravity, and set off up slopes at great speed.

Apparently, there is a serious purpose to it: it's just that nobody knows what it is.

My own theory is that scientists, bored with serious research, are just taking a few old proverbs and testing them to destruction.

In one room, they're teaching old dogs new tricks; in another, checking to see which activities really are more boring that watching paint dry; upstairs, seeing if it is, after all, possible to make an omelette without breaking eggs. In the garden, they're busy checking to see if money could be persuaded to grow on trees.

As I write this, my children are shrieking at me to provide food, entertainment, a different mother. And a posse of scientists is no doubt just about to knock on the door with a variety of drills, brass instruments and foghorns, to test the premise that there's none so deaf as those that will not hear.


The Woman who Can said...

And somewhere, far, far away, in the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is king. Do you think there's also a sewing room to test if a stitch in time saves nine? Love your blog, often come to visit.

Omega Mum said...

Tina: Now you mention it, I did hear the sound of an ancient Singer sewing machine and then a great deal of cursing...So glad you're enjoying it.

Irene said...

Leave it to you to come up with the best sayings to be proved wrong. You and your wicked sense of humor. You surprise me every day and I always leave with a grin on my face, that is on the days that I am not throwing myself down the stairs.

I Beatrice said...

There WAS a serious purpose to that water-uphill experiment. It was so that they could.......... but no, it's gone again. Sorry.

Loved the idea of teaching an old dog new tricks though.

DJ Kirkby said...

I repeat...lolololol stoppit! You are too funny...I'm jealous now.

Anonymous said...

It's about these researchers did some work.

Crystal xx

Potty Mummy said...

Have you checked outside your window to see if there any horses refusing to drink?

Iota said...

But the scientists who are the happiest are the ones who are having their cake and eating it.

Omega Mum said...

Sweet I: The day you read my blog and then attempt to throw yourself down the stairs, I may seriously contemplate stopping, so do take care, won't you?

IB: Did I mention that I volunteered to be the dog?

DJ: Of course you're not jealous. You go for finely crafted stuff, I go for cheap word tat lifted from emails. But glad it raised a smile.

CJ: THey should be out making hay while the sun shines...

Potty Mummy:.. which reminds me of that old Dorothy Parker adage 'you can lead a horticulture but you can't make her think'

Iota: Unless, of course, it's been cooked according to the principle of too many cooks spoiling the broth. Oh, my God. I've caught Mad Pun Disease. Watch out - I think it's infectious.

Potty Mummy said...

Hilarious, OM. Even your responses to comments put me to shame!

Omega Mum said...

Potty M: How very kind.