Wednesday 31 October 2007

A different boy

Slow growth, headache, loss of appetite, sleeplessness, stomach ache, feeling week, increased blood pressure, neasea and/or vomiting, upset stomach, weight loss, tics, dizziness, muscle weakness, sleepiness, anxiety, nervousness, depression, emotional highs and lows, hostility, rash.

And that's just me. It's also partial list of all the possible reactions to Concerta, the Ritalin-type drug Leo has decided to try to see if it helps him at school.

"He'll be a different boy," says the beaming consultant - a new one, this time.

I burst into tears. "But I don't want a different child," I say. "I want the one I've got."

The two friends I've confided in both say 'don't do it.' But Leo is being teased about his fidgeting, to the point where he feels that he'd rather take medication and be part of the crowd than isolated.

"Change schools," say the friends. Perhaps they're right. But we're on day 2 now, and Leo feels, and looks, happier.

I don't know. I just don't know. And on the plus side, surely you can't suffer from sleepiness and sleeplessness simultaneously?


DJ Kirkby said...

My 2nd cousin has ADHD and her mom (my 1st cousin)was exrtremely reluctant to let her try drugs but they have helped immesurably. She has a small dose in the morning, another at lunch time and none in the evening s as it doesn't matter how hyper she is at home! We all now realise what a genius was hiding inside that hyperactive body.

I Beatrice said...

Oh I do feel for you here! All I can think to say is that, when it's full-blown autism, it's if anything, more painful still....

Not that it will be any consolation of course - except perhaps to know you're not alone.

Anonymous said...

Oh, megahugs. (A welcome change from megadik, I hope!) I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you both. I have a son some have called "different". I just know he's my son and I wouldn't have him any other way.

orchidea xxx

Gwen said...

I have to admit having no experience of these things but I can understand what a difficult decision this must be for you. Best of luck and I'm sure whatever decision you make will be the right one.

The Woman who Can said...

I wish Leo & you all the best

molly gras said...

OM -

I wouldn't want a different boy either.

I would simply want a reasonable expectation of "boy in school".

Omega Mum said...

DJ, IB, Orchidea, Gwen, Tina, Molly G - I'm not replying individually only because I'm going to have to rush to do a new post and then get to school but I just wanted to thank you all and say how very much better it's made me feel.

Motheratlarge said...

Sorry to comment late, just wanted to send my best wishes. I can't pretend to know exactly what you're going through but it sounds tough. Hope the new meds help Leo out. Glad results so far are encouraging.

Iota said...

This sounds such a tough one. Perhaps you just have to try and see what happens, and be prepared to reassess frequently. And well done on letting him take such a big role in the decision.

Omega Mum said...

M@L and Iota: Many thanks. All advice on this one, as always, graetfully received.