Sunday 3 February 2008

News from the Deep

"The job's killing me," says Francis. His words contrast oddly with his pink, healthy complexion and the cheerful way he speaks them as he cracks open another can of beer.

He shakes his head sadly at the enormous spreadsheet on the screen in front of him, so big that nobody alive has viewed it in its entirety.

Stabbing the tab right button, he sets off on his nightly exercise programme which, as far as I can tell, involves seeing if he can reach the far end before falling asleep.

"What are those figures supposed to tell you?" I ask.

"Nobody knows," he says. "Even the forecasting guru they commissioned it from has forgotten what it's about. But if I can decipher it, I get to judge the Miss Mermaid contest."

"Tell me you've just made that up."

"Yes," he says. "Because I'm a judge anyway."

"Miss Mermaid?"

"Yes? So? It's all linked to Omega 3."

"In which case, why not Miss Fish Head? I could come up with several contenders, starting with Sasha."

"I'll suggest it for next year," says Francis, deadpan. "Meanwhile, I'm a judge because we're the biggest sponsors. Honestly, it's a nightmare."

"Let me get this right," I say, "You have to judge a bunch of gorgeous, pouting, nubile women?"


"So, apart from being gorgeous and pouting, what are you judging them on? Their tails?"

"That, and their innner beauty."

"How do you do that? Analyse them for edible oil content?"

"No. I just get to ogle them from a table under the stage."

"I want to come with you," I say.

"OK," he says. "But are you sure you'll be able to walk in the tail outfit without falling over? And you would be ....well, a left field contender for the title."

"Don't be daft," I say. "I'm nominating myself as ogling monitor."

"I'll think about it," he says. "I do hope you're not jealous."

"Jealous? Of a bunch of luscious beauties all trying to get your attention and prepared to do almost anything to gain the title? What makes you think I'd be jealous?"

"That's all right then," says Francis, and carries on with his tabbing.

I go out and turn on my own computer, taking limited consolation from Megadik's latest e-mail assuring me that, "Evenings alone are a thing of the past with your brand new dick," - while being unspecific as just what sort of new brand new friends a middle aged female music teacher with an extra appendage might acquire. Perhaps I should ask the mermaids for tips.


Casdok said...

Im sure you could give them some better tips!!!

Omega Mum said...

Casdok: If I get any good ones, you'll be one of the very first to hear.....

Elizabeth Musgrave said...

And I thought megadick was talking to me alone! Betrayed now.
Don't go and be an ogling monitor, I beg you. It will end in tears.

DJ Kirkby said...

Perhaps you could email Megadik an invitation to the beauty contest?

Omega Mum said...

elizabethm: I am so sorry to be the bearer of such bad news, but hope time will heal the terrible scars

djk: That's a great idea - though I'm uncertain which of their crop of luscious sales advisors to ask. Perhaps all of them?

Irene said...

It's always been my understanding that mermaids don't have the equipment to use mega dicks or to be sexually active in any other way, but maybe I have only seen the Disney versions of mermaids.

I Beatrice said...

Oh my - the Schleswick-Holstein Question (I've tried spelling that three different ways and it still looks wrong) seems like child's play beside Francis's spreadsheet!

Let him have his little mermaid competition though. The entrants are sure to have been selected for their intrinsic fishlikeness, so you'll have nothing to worry

Thank you for visiting me again btw. For some reason I have been unable to post the comment. Someone somewhere is trying to tell me I never was a proper blogger and ought to abandon the pretence at once - but you can always email me.

the rotten correspondent said...

That megadick sure does get around. You'll have to let us know how the ogling goes.

Anonymous said...

Oh I don't know. I think the mermaids could take tips from you. I had 18 emails this morning all wanting to sell my sexual aids! Do you think they are trying to tell me something?

Crystal xx

Mya said...

Why don't they do a Miss Fishwife competition? I'd enter it - and probably win.

Mya x

Potty Mummy said...

Tips? You did say TiP's?

Just checking.

Omega Mum said...

Sweet I: And where did Disney do their research? That's what I'd like to know.

IB: I am sorry about your Blogger problems but credibility exudes from your every word. You have a charitable attitude to Miss Mermaid. Though I probably can't stop him anyway....

The rotten correspondent: I'd really like you all to come with me and gatecrash it.

CJ: No, frankly, and if they are, it's nothing useful.

Mya: Love the idea. Does it incorporate a Dairylea in pants round?

Potty Mummy: I think so. Did I?