Friday, 29 February 2008

Where is Debio?

I don't normally do a 'calling all cars' thing on the blog, but just wondered if anyone out there knew what had happened to Debio (Land of Sand)? Her blog has been removed. Is she OK? Does anyone know? All answers on cyber postcard. No prizes but would love to find out.


DJ Kirkby said...

Ooooh no sorry can't help as never read her blog.

I Beatrice said...

No, I have no idea where Debio has gone either. Perhaps she just got fed-up with the whole blogging thing - it can happen! We can only hope that she still pops in on old friends now and then, and will eventually let someone know that all is well with her...

I do hope so anyway.

the rotten correspondent said...

That's really weird. Where did she go? I'm a regular lurker over there.

The Woman who Can said...

OM, haven't seen Debio since she posted on mine 15th Feb. Am staggered that she's gone. I hope someone can shed a bit of light.

Potty Mummy said...

I was wondering much the same thing myself...

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Funnily enough, I was wondering the same thing...

Omega Mum said...

DJ: It's just odd - whole blog gone as if it never existed

IB: But why delete the blog? Am I just obsessional?

The rotten Corr/Tina/potty mummy/m&m: My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

And where is SAHD - just when I have a new companion for him?

Omega Mum said...

Beta Mum: Exactly. Where is he? This is the big, big problem with cyber friendships - and one I'm really only just beginning to discover.

Around My Kitchen Table said...

I too recently took a break from blogging for a couple of months - nothing sinister, just had so much other stuff going on in my life that I didn't have the time or a spare brain cell to do it! Hopefully Debio will be back. Hopefully she will read these comments and know that we all miss her.

Anonymous said...

Conspiracy theories are founded on much less than this....

Mid-lifer said...

I just tried to get on Debio's blog. Usually when people finish they just stop putting up posts (mean moody middle aged mum seems to be one of those)

I do think the fact that it is deleted is strange. The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that her blogs were often political and referred to where she was living - I myself having lived there know that exception can be taken to comment. Or am I just being a drama queen??

Stay at home dad said...

Hello, sorry to barge in. I have been moving house, but I am just about still here... Strange about Debio - I have no further info either. Hope you're well OM.

Omega Mum said...

around my kitchen table/SAHD: Oh my God - feels like a delicious double whammy. Have missed you both and what with Debio was beginning to feel like one of those horror films...WELCOME BACK, BOTH OF YOU!!!

Great big veg challenge: See above, though, for very good news. Nice of you to visit. Will reciprocate.

Mid-lifer: So what do you think happened? More speculation, please. Am hoping it will lure Debio into the open and would genuinely like to know she's OK.

Motheratlarge said...

Funny, I was thinking about Debio just the other day and planning to check out her site. Hmmmm, odd. Hope she's okay. Nice to see a comment from SAHD. I was feeling sad at not hearing anything from him for ages either.