Sunday 17 June 2007

Asset management

Another concerned stranger, Deandra, e-mails to tell Francis and just a few million others, hand-selected by the very latest in spam technology, that she has the solution to his problems. Does he realise, she wants to know, that 'the only thing stopping you from a great job was a few letters behind your name'.

"And I bet I know what they are. 'C***' ," says Vicky, who has stopped by to trade four letter insults and share her latest underwear texts.

Her hand-me-down conquest has dropped the pants and, instead, is texting close ups of his assets on the assumption that his previous pictures will by now have reduced her to a quivering mass of nerve endings and animal instincts.

He's doomed to disappointment. Harsh lighting and limited angles has turned his bits into something that's less girl's dream than a cross between dog's giblet dinner and something off a spot the flasher set of police identification snaps.

"The left profile's not bad," says Vicky. "How do you think he photographed them, anyway?"

We can't help wondering whether Bad Lindy had a hand in it somewhere, though quite how literally is anyone's guess.

Vicky's other texts are from Dave, who, for a change, has decided to try being depressed in France. Apparently there's a sale of sharp, scary-looking knives and prices have - inevitably - been slashed. He is now wandering round the streets of Calais in the rain, sunk in misery, so well tooled up that he does an impromptu impersonation of Johnny Scissorhands everytime he reaches into his pocket for a tissue to wipe his streaming face.

"Bored shitless," is the latest message. "Am going to get drunk, catch an earlier ferry and come straight round to carry on with the decorating in your house."

"So what's he decorating?" I ask Vicky.

"That's the trouble," says Vicky. "I haven't booked him. So God knows what he's planning to do. Still, " she says, "I suppose I could always forward the giblets to him and ask how much he'd charge for some instant cosmetic reshaping - with a Stanley knife. That should give him something to think about."


Gwen said...

A few letters behind your name which will cost you several thousand dollars which you can ill afford because erm - you don't have a job!

Actually I joined a professional PA association which you need no exams to join and put those letters next to my name. It has done wonders for my marketability!

lady macleod said...

I have quite obviously missed something over the past two days! Funny stuff, giblets?! I am envisioning the copier...and now I really rather wish I had not...

Anonymous said...

If I were you I would take a bracing holidya to get over it all =- you are welcome to come and stay with me now that EK, Ms Minge and the farting one from the US have left... I feel quite lonely actually..

Omega Mum said...

Gwen: So should I recommend the professional PA association to Francis? Or perhaps I should join - it might boost my morale

Lady M: I've always found giblets an incredibly evocative name ....unfortunately

Mutley: Packing bag and re-foliating......Thanks so much!!

Suffolkmum said...

I can't get an imagined image out of my head either. Good to catch up, I'm getting horriby behind with blogs at the moment, I'll join ou in raising a glass to sad bastards everwhere.

Omega Mum said...

Nice to see you, suffolk mum. Toasts all round.

I Beatrice said...

And to think I was drinking champagne on the lawn and then listening to Rossini, while you were going through all THAT!

So far as giblets are concerned - well they should never have been invented, in my view. Should share bottom-place in the created universe - along with slugs, and crocodiles, and mosquitoes, .... and any other pet hates that anyone in blogland has.

(I'm talking your actual giblets here of course - not the symbolic or representational sort. Though come to think of it, they're probably even worse!)

have no place in anyone's world, or camera (or vocabulary) in my view

Stay at home dad said...

Poor Dave. It doesn't take a sharp-eyed blade to see he's on a knife-edge. Maybe he's got a block?

Chris King said...

This could so easily be turned into a chick lit novel...what are you waiting for?

DJ Kirkby said...

erm..sorry. That last comment about the chick lit novel was from me but Chopper was signed in and I did not check before publishing! Der...

Omega Mum said...

Stay at Home D. Very droll.....Even cutting edge, if I may say so

Chopski: A beginning, middle and end; a publisher and a change in our libel laws. I'd settle for one out of three, though....Thanks for coming by and for your nice comment, though.

Omega Mum said...

Well, DJ, it's lovely to see you again, in that case. Truth to tell, I checked out Chopski's blog and, while appearances can be deceptive, he didn't look like the world's greatest chic lit enthusiast...........

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Do you not think Mutley would be the perfect foil to Lindy?

Omega Mum said...

M&M: It has occurred to me - but would the world be able to cope. Mutley???

Anonymous said...

I give my dogs giblets. My late father-in-law used to eat them also. Doesn't bode well. On the other hand, perhaps Bad Lindy wouldn't bother.

Omega Mum said...

CJ: I've tried imagining it, but it's a step too far. I'll ask her somehow and see what she says.

Motheratlarge said...

'Impromptu impersonation of Johnny Scissorhands'.... 'quivering mass of nerve endings and animal instincts'.... very nice writing here, as always, Omega Mum. Think DJ, aka Chopski, might well have a point.

Omega Mum said...

Too kind. All publishing deals designed to lift Francis out of unemployment misery without being sued by neighbours gratefully received.

Gwen said...

The professional PA association has always worked for me in the past. It looks quite posh. Even if you are not a PA, the letters MIQPS in a font size of lets say at least 20 and bold will do wonders for both you and Francis. Go for it!!

debio said...

oh just publish and be damned, omega mum.

if I were getting pictures of giblets by text i think i'd find it quite unsettling - men's bits are not the most appealing sight at the best of times but, crammed up on the small screen - what a thought....

Omega Mum said...

What I like about those letters, Gwen, is that they also resemble a lot of the words I come up with by accident when drunk while touch-typing.

Debio: 'Giblets by text'. Has a certain ring to it, though. Possible mail order business, do you think?