Monday 4 June 2007

Bad Lindy's excellent weekend

"Lindy's at it again," says Vicky, at the school gates. "Check your texts."

I do, and she's right. Bad Lindy's Motherpucker lip gloss is working overtime. The window cleaner keeps texting her pictures of his pants. Always one to share, she now has more men than she can deal with. Rather than letting them go to waste, she's parcelling up the spares and circulating them to the rest of us.

"Hi there," says my message. "You don't know me. I met your mate Lindy out the other night.....she is well sexy and a great kisser but she told me you are the sexiest person she knows and I really should get in touch with you. Is this true?"

"No," I text back. Experience has taught me that Lindy's men, once fired up, are best not ignored, and can create awkward domestic moments.

I compare texts with Vicky. Give or take the odd syntax error, hers says pretty much the same thing. We look round. Several of the other mothers are also staring at their phones with expressions ranging from horror to bemusement. Lindy has clearly had a very active weekend.

On the way home, I'm just passing Lindy's front door when it opens and there's the sound of a crash. Lindy appears in the doorway.

"My mobile phone's just exploded," she explains. "I've just been having words with India about it."

It seems likely that India is in for a national crisis. In the background, Bad Lindy's parents, both tiny, almost silent people, who are paying her a visit, sit quietly sipping their tea, smiling benignly and totally ignoring the epithets and small bits of plastic that are filling the air around them.

"Did you get my text?" asks Lindy, grinning. "I think you need a bit of pepping up."

At least, with her mobile temporarily out of action, there's limited damage she can do, I think. Wrongly. When I get home, there's another text, from Vicky this time. "Lindy has given mine my address," she says. "Watch out."


DJ Kirkby said...

OMG! Hope I never meet a mom like her at the school gates! Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed the first posting of 'Adventures of a wild hippie child'. Please do me a favour and go to , have a read and let me know whether this series has any 'legs'. The stories are too personal and I can't assess the idea (or my writing about it), objectivly

Gwen said...

I think you should organise for all these men to decend on Lindy, at the same time, and preferably when her paents are present. I'd love to see how she handles that one.

wakeupandsmellthecoffee said...

I think Bad Lindy would be good friends with Edie on Desperate Housewives. Is she blonde?

Omega Mum said...

djkirkby: There's a Bad Lindy at every school. Just be careful. Will check out blog and let you know what I think. Is it intended as a commercial venture?

gwen: I have seen her in situations that would make anyone else blush to go out in public ever again and she is utterly shameless. It wouldn't faze her.

Wake up: She's very blond at the moment but I am not sure what her true hair colour is - or what she'll look like next week. Edie is a bit of a pussy cat in comparision but I see what you mean..

debio said...

Hey, omega mum, with all the available men in your area, albeit Bad Lindy's cast offs, could you not set up a dating/escort agency?

Omega Mum said...

Debio: Spookily, I think it's all coming together.....Mind you, would you want one of Bad Lindy's slightly used men?

lady macleod said...

I think you can have her shot without repercussion.

Omega Mum said...

At least you relish the boredom of everyday life in a way you undoubtedly wouldn't if she wasn't around. It's a tough one. But it's nice to know that public support would be on my side.

Elsie Button said...

she sounds hilarious! - i agree with gwen re. getting all these men together at same time...

Omega Mum said...

Elsie B: It would be such fun to do, but......I'll talk to Vicky

Anonymous said...

I'll give Lindy one thing - she leads a full and active life. Does she realise what a hit she's become? I think I'll start looking a bit more closely at the school gates from now on!

Omega Mum said...

Crystal J. Much though I'd like to tell Bad Lindy about her success, I think discretion is the better part of valour. She'd splifficate me.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Do you think Lindy might send me a man?

Suffolkmum said...

I like Bad Lindy's style. Bad me.

Motheratlarge said...

Please, please, never point Bad Lindy in my direction.

Anonymous said...

Did you get my text Ms Omega? I left in the suggestions as agreed...

Drunk Mummy said...

At least you aren't getting the pictures of the pants texted to you! Well, not yet anyway.

Omega Mum said...

M&M You're on the list. Any pointers as to pants?
Suffolk Mum: So do I, to be honest. Bad me, too

Mother at Large: I won't, I promise. But if you change your mind, just let me know.

Mutley: What a text. And what amazing underwear. And, no, I'd never thought about recorders in that way before, though your blog is teaching me a lot.

Drunk Mummy: Any pants images via Bad Lindy will be passed straight on.

Stay at home dad said...

Is this true?!

Believe me, these men are harmless. And what exactly does 'bad me' mean, Suffolk mum?!

Omega Mum said...

Is it true? Put it this way, Stay at Home Dad - I copied that text content off my mobile word for word.......(then deleted it).