Tuesday, 26 June 2007

Beth blogs to the world

I get a text from Beth:

"Tilly's made my blog public for everyone and has told everyone what i said; they all hate me but i'm trying to keep on a smiley face but i'm sacred and i can't breathe."

Leaving aside the advantages of becoming sacred - at least we know God loves her - there are also a few logistical problems to sort out. Not least of which is the fact that her blog links to mine.....


While we sort this out in a way that doesn't involve me smashing her computer with a hammer just so I feel better, there might be a slight lull in blog delivery.

I think there's a lesson to be learned here - I just don't know what it is yet.


Gwen said...

Oh dear. At least any unwanted attention you receive is likely to be of the "holy" kind.

Drunk Mummy said...

Yikes - a blogger's worst nightmare! I suspect that the unwanted attention you receive will actually be 'holier than thou.'

Omega Mum said...

First the girls, then their mothers. Then Bad Lindy. Then hospitalisation......I can see it all. Keep your fingers crossed.

Stay at home dad said...

If you see a group of smartly-dressed men on your doorsep wielding spa-bath fittings, run for your life!

Omega Mum said...

Somehow, SAHD, I just don't feel you're taking this seriously. Even worse if you are, though! Writing this under desk.

I Beatrice said...

I think I must be missing something here - though the idea of suddenly becoming sacred does certainly have its appeal. How does one attain to this state I want to know? And does it necessarily involve exposing one's soul to an unkind world?

Unless of course it should be a simple case of the wrong juxtaposition of letters ....... did perhaps mean to write 'scared' instead of 'sacred'?

Now that I would understand.

Omega Mum said...

IBeatrice: She does think well of herself but even so I think 'scared' was what she was aiming for......

debio said...

Agree with drunk mummy - worst nightmare - here I worry little about alienating the ex-pats as they're largely hard work anyway but I should worry if the powers that be pick up on my sideswipes and disapproval of "Paradise".

You did say, not a million years ago, that you wanted a few enemies??

Only joking, omega mum, I'm sure it will be alright insh'allah.

Suffolkmum said...

Oh God, my worst nightmare. Still, you might acheive blog-goddess status and become sacred too. Crossing everything for you.

Omega Mum said...

debio: I was rather hoping to choose my enemies, not having them choose me.....

suffolk mum: keep crossing...thank you!

Motheratlarge said...

Oh, Omega Mum! Might not be as bad as you fear. Most people round here know I blog - so far no nasty repercussions. And Bad Lindy is fictional, isn't she? Please say yes. Look at it this way, you'll have no shortage of blog material if things do heat up, which I'm sure they won't. Please don't stop posting. I love this blog.

Omega Mum said...

Bad Lindy is a sort of amalgamation - but not enough of one to count as fictional.......Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Staying on the sacred theme - go hide in a church and demand sanctuary!

lady macleod said...

Yes, being "holy" is a bitch. I've been trying to ditch this goddess gig for years. I imagine being in the chorus is quite difficult as well... I mean really you have to hear all the whining and get none of the power, bugger.

Omega Mum said...

M&M: What about the Vatican - well, if T. Blair can do it....

Lady M: Stick with the goddess gig. It sits so well with you. I can touch the cyber hem of your robes.

Alda said...

I'm missing something here.

Have you had this fear of being outed for long? And what exactly is the basis of this fear?

Please enlighten me. [Unless of course doing so would compromise your anonymity, in which case I can just keep guessing.]

Omega Mum said...

Alda: There are no real secrets, I suppose, except that the people I write about are my family and my two eldest children go to the same school - so I don't want family stuff bandied about by some of the crueller pupils.....Not a major tragedy, I suppose, but wouldn't feel that great.

Alda said...

Ah. So just the standard fears, then. Phew - you had me worried there for a minute. ;)