Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Gagging for it

Received via Freecycle this evening:

'I really want to change my life for the better. i've read tones of self
help books, but i am looking for a person who is highly experienced in
life matters for email advice.

'Does such a person exist? I dont have money to pay but i am a talented
person who feels their life is going to waste.

'You could make a difference, to help guide me in the right direction. I consider
freecycle my virtual family, can you help?

'Eternally grateful.'

I think this may be just what Jim needs. Somebody who will value every scrap of advice he has to offer without even a hint of retching. It's a marriage made in heaven.

Unless, of course, it was secretly placed by Francis..........


Stay at home dad said...

Why are self-help books thus named? They detail advice from others 'experienced in life matters' after all.

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: It is odd. I'm rather tempted to e-mail her myself, just to see what advice she's been offered.......And to ask why, exactly, she felt that some anonymous person randomly selected from the web might do better than books which presumably have felt the hand of an editor or expert somewhere along the road to publication.

lady macleod said...

da da da dum! what if it is jim??

DJ Kirkby said...

Just popped in for my laugh. You crack me up!

Omega Mum said...

Lady M: How ingenious. Where is Hercule Poirot when you need him?

DJ: Nice to see you again. Glad you're back, you wild thing, you.

Erica Douglas said...

Made me smile too :)

Off to surf some more brit parent blogs now...

I Beatrice said...

Well, it seems to me that Francis might be a whole lot better at it than Jim anyway!

Is there money to be made from it by any chance?

Omega Mum said...

IB: I suspect anything linked to Freecycle is severely deficit on the fortune-making front.

debio said...

I understand self-help books are no longer popularly appealing and publishers are, therefore, retreating from the genre.

Doesn't seem to be the case here as book shelves are groaning under their weight.

But unless you know the person offering the advice, how would you feel confident in taking it?

Great day's blogging, omega mum.

Omega Mum said...

Thanks, Debio

Anonymous said...

WHat a great blog!! Love this... will definitely be back often!!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls

Gwen said...

Free Cycling you say? Might that be in any way related to Free Wheeling? Jim and this e mail Freecycler could ride off into the sunset on a bicycle made for two.

Omega Mum said...

Pinks and Blues: Thanks for visiting. Glad you liked it.

Gwen: Very funny comment......