Saturday 21 July 2007

Pedal power

Vintage piano pedals have a robust iron core, coated with brass. Not that I had any idea of this until an hour or so ago, when I had the chance to cradle one of our pedals in my hand, because it had been broken off so cleanly that it looks as if somebody has sliced through it with a knife.

And it can't be metal fatigue, because it's not just one pedal, it's both. No more forte, no more piano. Both pedals have been cut with one clean swipe. They're lying on the carpet, stump ends still attached to the fiddly looking wooden levers inside the piano case.

The children deny all knowledge of having interfered with them. So does Francis. And, indeed, it's hard to see how it could have happened. You would have had to wade in with a heavy weight, supporting the pedals while you dropped it to ensure a good stress fracture.

As we stand round the piano, there's a crash from the next room. Francis' favourite picture has just hit the ground. Its extra-strength hook has sheered through.

It could be worse, though. Just imagine if I believed that invoking Bad Lindy's name could release powers of a magnitude beyond all human comprehension. And I don' I?


Gwen said...

Morning Omega Mum. This is how I got the logo onto my blog. This may not be the correct way mind you but here goes:-

1. Go to my blog and click on the logo, click save as and save onto your PC.
2. On your blog, click on New Post
3. Click on Template
4. Click Add page element
5. Click Picture Add to BLog
6. Leave the title and caption section blank
7. Click Browse beside Image from your computer
8. Find image on your PC
9. Click Open
10. Click Save Changes

Best of luck.

I don't know how you add a link or copy a picture onto the comments section although I know that it can be done.

The Good Woman said...

I think you need to speak to Crystal about this. Something's up. Or your cat's got the chainsaw.

I Beatrice said...

This is really terrible! I've just been examining my piano pedals, and I don't think there's aby human power I know of that could dislodge them without a rumpus of some considerable kind.

Be very careful whom you invoke in future, that's all I can say...

DJ Kirkby said...

ooooooh spooooky..... wierd....

Gwen said...

Has Bad Lindy unleased a power so potent that nothing can stop it? Do you have to join her cult to be saved? Or do you just have to find her a man to take her mind off evil world domination?

Anonymous said...

Ooh. Have you invoked the power of three? Am waiting with bated breath to read about what happened next...

Motheratlarge said...

In an earlier, darker time, Bad Lindy's ancestors were probably much misunderstood for their influence on the universe and doubtless took a few dunkings in the local village pond with words like 'witch' being bandied about. Dunkings that would have played havoc with the medieval equivalanet of Mother Pucker Lipgloss. Goodness, it's almost enough to make me feel sorry for her! What's going on here? I feel a comment 'In defence of BL' coming on...
Ps - sorry about the piano, hope not too much of a pain to get mended

Anonymous said...

Sounds a bit paranormal to me. Perhaps Lindy will investigate..

Crystal xx

Omega Mum said...

the good woman: No chainsaw would do it, so I've ruled out the cat.....

IB: You're not kidding. I still can't quite believe it.

DJ: Double those 'oohs' and I'm right there.

gwen: I can't decide which is scarier - world domination by Bad Lindy or the type of man who might stop her from doing it.

orchidea: Am going away to look up the power of three. I'll let you know.

M@L: I am jumping to conclusions here, and it's quite a leap

CJ: I think you are my key to understanding what's going on.....Any thoughts?

Unknown said...

So... it has been a while now. How'd it happen? Do you know?

Omega Mum said...

Snuffles: Still no idea. It really is almost impossible to shear piano pedals right through like that - as IB's comment shows.