Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Thoughtful blogging

Thanks, Mother at Large, for awarding me 'Thoughtful Blogger' status. I'm getting more praise from blogging than from any other aspect of my life. How sad does that make me? No - wait, don't answer.


Anonymous said...

Take praise where it's offered and say "thanks" cheerfully.
Not sad at all.

Omega Mum said...

Oh, all right then, Beta Mum

Gwen said...

Well done you. You will soon have to start another blog just to display your awards. And no, it's certainly not sad.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

It shows you're doing it right. You go girl (as they say on Oprah et al)

Omega Mum said...

Thanks, Gwen and M&M.

Stay at home dad said...

OM, these things are never said, but I'm sure those near to you think you are a wonderful wife, mother, teacher. And the rest of us know you are an even better writer.

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: I feel like scraping my foot along the ground in front of me and saying, "Aww, shucks." But it's a sight I'm going to spare you. Thank you so much. That's just lovely.

Anonymous said...

I agree with beta mum - grab hold of all the compliments that come your way and say thanks. By all means, go a little pink and shuffle your feet, but enjoy the moment.

Motheratlarge said...

You deserve it, Omega Mum. Hope you're enjoying it.
Sorry to be absent for a few days; snowed under here. Has to be better than flooded out.... Sorry, poor taste. Long week.

Omega Mum said...

M@L: Not poor taste at all. At least, not by my standards. Hope week's snow bore fruit, if you see what I mean.