Wednesday 4 July 2007

Old school pig heads

Interview of the Week is with a publishing company, which has decided to shake off its old school tie image and concentrate on building a new, hard-edged sales team with a non-book background.

Briefed by the headhunter, Francis arrives prepared to deny reading anything except job descriptions, and so determinedly hard-edged that it's a miracle his elbows don't leave dents in the boardroom table.

His presentation, "How I saw off the combined forces of evil and saved the ozone layer with a buy one, get one free promotion," goes down a storm.

He does another psychometric test. "You come across not suffering fools gladly yet a likeable manager," says the interviewer. "There's just one anomaly. You had to agree or disagree with this statement. 'Some people think you are pig-headed,'" yet you chose to answer 'don't know'," He sounds genuinely baffled.

"That's because I don't know," says Francis.

Later, the headhunter rings. The publishing company has seen five candidates who between them offer more hard edges than a dodecahedron wholesaler but has opted for a sixth - a brandy-swilling, old-school tie merchant who'd take second place to a marshmallow in hard-edge contest and has a solid background in......publishing.

Later, I come across some personal ads placed by job-seekers.

One is from a freelance crossword/word game compiler who finds himself 'left behind in the business race due to lack of email, fax or online facilities'. Is there a potential employer out there, he wonders, 'able and willing to forego this computer-obsessed society and get down to good old-fashioned sensible business communication?'

You can only hope.


Drunk Mummy said...

Oh how sweet!
I like the sound of the crossword compiler - a kindred spirit! (He's probably just an intransigent old git really).

Un Peu Loufoque said...

Oooh dear somehow you doubt it don't you poor lamb!! Old school tie that is publishing the world over sadly!

Omega Mum said...

Drunk Mummy: So do I but...
As peu loufoque (welcome, incidentally) says - I rather doubt his chances.

I Beatrice said...

It sounds to me as if Francis and the crossword compiler ought to join forces to set up their own recruiting-agency-in-defiance.

"Sad Old Gits Inc" springs to mind as a logo. I'm sure it would attract a surprisingly large and eager clientele....

The Good Woman said...

Ot seems that, as in a lot of advertising, job advertisements lie!

Omega Mum said...

IB: Sad old gits does have a nice ring...

The Good Woman: I'm sure you're right.

Stay at home dad said...

SOG isn't a great acronym though...

debio said...

Is there any point in questioning the answer of a psychosometric test, on the basis that there are no right and wrong answers?

What are these people on? How often do we casually ask friends, acquaintances, colleagues; 'do you think I am pig-headed?'

Oh pleeease....

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: You may just have spotted the obvious flaw......

Debio: Erm...well, they do ask me, now and again. And one woman yelled, 'You know we all think you're mad,' at me across the road, but that's another story.

Mutterings and Meanderings said...

Francis needs to start up on hi sown. He can be an entrepreneur and when he's rich, you can stay at home to write...

You know it's the way forward.


Motheratlarge said...

I'm sorry the interview didn't work out for Francis, Omega Mum. I was thinking about the interviews you mentioned last week while wheeling The Bean around town today. Must be so frustrating for you all. These psychometric tests are such nonsense, aren't they. As for potential employers of the freelance crossword compiler, well, maybe, if he can find someone prepared to put up with clogs in the hard drive. The blogosphere might not be his best starting point, but after my recent experiences with a malfunctioning new laptop, I'm quite inclined to be sympathetic towards him!

Omega Mum said...

M&M: It does sound lovely. The awful thing is that I don't think he wants the responsibility - and there's also the grinding poverty while he gets established. Could we do it? I don't know......Will we have to do it. Ah, that's a different issue.

Omega Mum said...

M@L: I thought you were raving about your laptop. What happened? Is it better? Coming over to check it out....Have been wanting a laptop for a long time now.

Motheratlarge said...

Stupid laptop has had to return whence it came. Big traumas. Long conversations with customer support in, of all places, Manila. It went all funny on us, strange black lines shooting across the screen.