Wednesday 18 July 2007

A no brainer

Rodents don't normally make great dads. They mate, they leave, they show scant interest in their offspring, except as an occasional snack.

Not California Mouse, though. Maybe it's the climate; maybe the liberal attitudes to parenting, but California Mouse Dad is the recently discovered exception that proves the rule.

He meets his partner, falls in love, takes an equal share in raising the kids and never eats them (unless he really can't be bothered to do yet another late night supermarket run and they're out of Doritos - well, even perfect mice have their weak points).

And his reward for his paternal devotion?

Why, death and brain analysis, naturally. Scientists love California Mouse Dad. His brain grows more neurons because of his more evolved social interractions, making him so much more interesting to dissect.

The message? Stay a carefree, unreconstructed, offspring-eating rodent or evolve into something more caring and have your brain chopped up by scientists.

What would you choose? As they say, it's a no-brainer.

Try explaining that one to the kids.


Alda said...

Hm. Tough one.

I'll go ask EPI.

Omega Mum said...

Let me know what happens....

kimber said...

California Mouse Dad -- goes by the name of Mickey?

The Good Woman said...

Very thought provoking Omega. I suppose the lesson to our saughters is to look for good neurons in a man.

Around My Kitchen Table said...

Oooo, poor Mr Nice-Mouse. Never mind, a mouse intelligent enough to know what to do to keep his "woman" happy will be intelligent enough to leave his little black droppings on Mr Scientist's Hob Nob(do you have those in the USA? It's a biscuit - God, I mean, a cookie)and nibble through the cables on his electric furry-little-animal exterminator.

Omega Mum said...

Kimber: Very good, Kimber - should have made that creative connection myself.

The good woman: or avoid marrying a mouse.

around my kitchen table: Let's hope so.

I Beatrice said...

You pose an interesting moral dilemma there, OM! It seems hard though, don't you think, to be so poorly rewarded for honest endeavour? I think the rodent world must have its own version of Gordon Brown at work somewhere...

Omega Mum said...

IB: I was so struck by the unfairness of it all. Am sure you're right about Gordon Brown. Mickey McMouse?

Anonymous said...

This is indeed a tough moral dilemma! So glad I'm not a mouse - or am I missing the point??

Omega Mum said...

Funky - I think you're absolutely right. Not missing the point at all.

dulwichmum said...

Ahhhh, I love your excuse for why daddy might eat his lovely baby, he is out of tortilla chips! Sweet.


debio said...

So many things have come into my mind I don't know what to say first.

So I'll just ponder and eat my daughter for supper....

Omega Mum said...

Dulwich Mum; Well, everyone understands how difficult it is when you've got the munchines

Debio: Make sure she's well seasoned.

Gwen said...

An interesting point and a good excuse for any men these days who have decided the the "new age man" approach just isn't for them.

Omega Mum said...

Gwen: Oh, my God. Quick. Hide the blog.

Motheratlarge said...

Crikey, I've heard of love rats, even met a few, but this is another level altogether.

lady macleod said...

oh dear! I don't know I never really met a rat I liked... or a research scientist who cuts up mice really.

DJ Kirkby said...

You first and I'll take notes!

DJ Kirkby said...

I do apologise, I keep forgetting to tell you that I put you on my links list on my Exquisite Dreams blog, ages ago.

Omega Mum said...

Lady M: It's the tails, isn't it (at least in the rodent variety).

DJ: Thanks so much!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the best course of action is to be a love rat.


Omega Mum said...

Kev: At least you get out with your brain intact. Probably.

Stay at home dad said...

They're great those dad mice. They do the childcare by day and at night sit on the beach strumming little guitars and singing love songs to their mouse wives...

Omega Mum said...

SAHD: I'm sensing waves of empathy.......Wonder why? Love the little guitars. Surely there's a children's book there: 'The mouse, the guitar and the evil, white-coated scientist'